Enrolment information in alternate formats

On this page you will find information on enrolling in large print, audio, Easy Read, Braille and New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL).

Easy Read information

Information about enrolling to vote is avaliable as an Easy Read guide.

Get ready to enrol to vote - Easy Read PDF

Get ready to enrol to vote - Easy Read Word

Information in New Zealand Sign Language

Information about enrolling and voting is available in New Zealand Sign Language.

Enrolment information in New Zealand Sign Language

Voting information in New Zealand Sign Language

Information in audio format 

Information about enrolling is available in audio format.

Get ready to enrol and vote (audio) [MP3, 1.6MB]

Information in Braille format 

Information about enrolling is available in Braille format.

Get ready to enrol to vote (braille/BRF) [.ZIP, 2KB]

Large Print information

Information about enrolling is available in large print format.

Get ready to enrol to vote (large print) [PDF, 171KB]

Get ready to enrol to vote (large print) [DOCX, 91KB]

Download, print and complete the Large Print Enrolment Application Form (PDF, 2MB)

Please note that this enrolment form is not suitable for use with screen reading applications.