You can have your say on the proposed electorate boundaries and names.
From 25 March 2025 to 27 April 2025 you can make objections to the proposed boundaries and names.
Dates | What happens |
25 March to 27 April 2025 | The public can make objections to proposed electorate boundaries and names. |
8 to 21 May 2025 | The public can make counter objections to any objections to the proposed electorate boundaries and names. |
9 to 18 June 2025 | The Representation Commission holds public hearings of objections and counter-objections. |
How to make an objection
You can make an objection online, or download a form and make your objection in writing.
To make your objection in writing, complete the objection form and send it to the Representation Commission by email or post.
Postal address:
Representation Commission
PO Box 3220
Wellington 6140
Tell us if you want to present your objection in person
If you would like to present your objection at a public hearing, let the Representation Commission know in your submission.
We’ll publish objections
We’ll publish your objection, and your name or the name of the organisation you represent, on this website after the objection period ends. The Representation Commission will also include your name in its final report.
We won’t publish your contact details. Keep your contact details separate from the main body of your submission to help us avoid publishing them.
What to include in your objection
Your objection should include details of why you disagree with a proposed electorate boundaries or name and can include your solution to the issue.
Key things to consider when making your objection
Electorates must have a similar number of people to make sure they have equal representation. An electorate cannot vary more or less than 5% from the population quota.
The limits for the number of people in each electorate are:
quota | +/- 5% | |
North Island general electorates | 69,875 | 3494 |
South Island general electorates | 70,037 | 3502 |
Māori electorates | 74,367 | 3718 |
You need to base your objection on the criteria the Representation Commission uses when considering the boundaries. These include:
- existing electorate boundaries
- communities of interest (including iwi affiliations in Māori electorates)
- the infrastructure that links communities, such as roads and bridges
- topographic features such as mountains and rivers
- projected variations in electoral populations over the next 5 years.
If you’d like to comment on more than one geographic area, you’ll need to complete a separate objection for each area.
People may make counter-objections
After the objections are published, people may make counter-objections. You can make a counter-objection even if you’ve already make an objection. Your counter-objection should explain why you disagree with the objection and can include your solution to the issue.
If you ask to speak at a public hearing
If you’ve asked to speak at a hearing, the Representation Commission will contact you once the submission period has closed. Sometimes video calls or similar arrangements may be necessary.
Making your objection or counter-objection at a public hearing gives you the opportunity to reinforce what you said in your written submission. It also gives the Representation Commission the opportunity to clarify points you raise in your submission.
When public hearings will be held
The Representation Commission will hold hearings of objections and counter-objections from 9 to 18 June 2025.
When you’ll find out the final boundaries
The Representation Commission will consider all submissions, then publish its report on the final boundaries on 8 August 2025.