Not everyone feels safe enough to have their details publicly available on the electoral roll, but that doesn’t mean they lose the right to vote.
If you’re concerned about your personal safety, or that of your family, you can apply to go on the confidential unpublished roll. We’ll keep your enrolment details secure and we won’t give them to anyone.
Going on the unpublished roll means your details won’t be included on printed electoral rolls. It also means you won’t be able to check or update your enrolment details online. You'll need to make a special vote at parliamentary and local elections.
It won’t affect which electorate you’re in, or whether you’re on the general roll or the Māori roll.
How to go on the unpublished roll
To apply to go on the unpublished roll, choose one of the following options:
- download the form at the bottom of this page, complete the form and email it to us
- call 0800 36 76 56 and we’ll post the form to you in the mail.
If you're not already enrolled, you also need to complete an enrolment form. To get an enrolment form, choose one of these two options:
- call 0800 36 76 56 and we’ll post an enrolment form to you
- download an enrolment form to complete and return to us.
How to return the form
Please scan or photograph your completed form and any supporting information and email it to us.
You can also return your completed form and any supporting information to:
Electoral Commission,
PO Box 190, Wellington 6140
What supporting information do I need to include?
You need to provide information that shows why you need to register on the unpublished roll. Here are some examples of the type of information to include. (You don’t need all of these types of information to apply.)
- A letter explaining why your work or personal circumstances place you at risk. This letter could be from your employer, lawyer, social worker, advocate, or someone of standing in the community.
- A copy of a protection order that is in force under the Family Violence Act 2018.
- A copy of a restraining order that is in force under the Harassment Act 1997.
- Information from a police officer or corrections officer explaining why publishing your name and address could prejudice you or your family's safety.
What if my personal details change?
Once you’re on the unpublished roll, you need to let us know if any of your enrolment details change, such as your name or address. You can also ask to go back on the publicly available roll if your personal circumstances change.
How do I vote when I’m on the unpublished roll?
You’ll need to cast a special vote at parliamentary and local elections.
Parliamentary elections
You can vote at any voting place in a general election, referendum or by-election. You’ll need to make a special vote because your details won’t be on the printed electoral roll used to issue voting papers at the voting place.
To make a special vote at a parliamentary election, you’ll need to fill in an extra form – a special vote declaration - to confirm your electorate. You don't need to complete the address or previous name information on the form if you don't want to, but providing this information helps us to confirm you’re eligible to vote. When you get to a voting place, someone will be there to show you what to do.
Local elections
To make a special vote at the local elections, you will need to contact your council’s electoral officer. Because you’re on the unpublished roll, voting papers will not automatically be sent to you in the mail.
Electoral officers (