Proposed changes

The Representation Commission is proposing changes to New Zealand’s parliamentary electorates. This includes changes to the boundaries and, in some cases, the names of electorates.

Summary of proposed changes

For the 2026 General Election:

  • the number of general electorates in the North Island reduces from 49 to 48
  • the number of general electorates in the South Island is fixed at 16
  • the number of Māori electorates remains unchanged at 7.

Because the number of general electorates in the North Island is reducing by one, the boundaries of most North Island electorates need to change. The areas of greatest change are the lower North Island, the Auckland region, and the Bay of Plenty region.

Population changes and changes to electorate quotas mean that some South Island and Māori electorate boundaries are also proposed to be changed.

See the proposed changes on a map

See the proposed changes on an interactive map, and compare the proposed boundaries to the current boundaries.

Read the Representation Commission's proposed electorates report

You can download the Representation Commission's proposed changes, or view printed copies of the report in person.

Download the report

View the report in person

Printed copies of the report will be available at:

A complete list of inspection locations is available below. Please check the opening hours of your preferred location before going to view the report.

Inspection locations [XLSX, 34KB]

Inspection locations [CSV, 18KB]